Musky Fishing at
Eagle Lake Island Lodge Ontario
Consistently mentioned as one of the best Musky fishing lakes in the world and holding the Ontario record until recently, many experts believe that Eagle Lake could produce the next World record fish! Due to the large size of Eagle Lake, and vast forage base of shad and lake herring have helped produce record quality fish. In order to help preserve the population Eagle Lake has enforced some the of the strictest conversation measures. Currently, no Musky under 54” can be kept, virtually making this an all catch and release lake. Most anglers will take photos and have these larger fish made into replicas. You hear fish of these larger sizes being caught
but they are never kept.
Musky are renowned for its bad attitude; this fish has an average length of 36 inches to 50+ inches. Their color can be extremely variable but always having dark markings on a light background, which is in contrast to the Northern Pike. The color varies from iridescent green-gold to light brown, gray, or very silvery. This fish has similar features to the Northern Pike including the shape of its body, the positioning of its eyes, and the amount of razor sharp teeth in its mouth. A distinct feature to identify this species is the presence of small pores under its bottom jaw. This fish will have from 12 to 18 pores in comparison to a Northern Pike, which will have a maximum of only 11 pores.
Season opens the 3rd Saturday in June and runs until December 15th.
Check out our guides tackle recommendations for Musky fishing:
A medium-heavy, heavy Musky or extra heavy casting rod is needed to handle lures ranging from 1oz-8oz. A large casting reel mounted with 65-100lb test braided line with separate 80-100lb fluorocarbon leaders attached is required when targeting Musky. Large plugs like the "depthraider" and "jake", inline spinnerbaits like the "double cowgirl" and large plastic rips baits like the "Super D" lures are all examples of classic and proven lures for Muskies here on Eagle Lake. There are many variations of all types of Musky lures. Your local tackle shop floor sales manager will know about everything listed here and be able to help you out on your quest for trophies.